Daily Schedule 

At Strawberry, children’s physical growth (P) and their academic development (A) are equally emphasized.

Strawberry School menu is approved and regulated by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Care Food Program.

8:30am Breakfast (P)

9:00am Circle time (A)

9:15am Working time (A)

10:00am Snack 1 (P)

10:30am Working time (A)

11:00am Circle time (A)

11:15am Outdoor activities (A)

12:00pm Lunch (P)

12:20pm Brushing teeth (P)

12:30pm Story/Nap time (P)

1:00pm Kindergarten class/pre-k activity (A)

2:30pm Snack 2 (P)

2:45pm Nursery rhyme / Classical Music / Coding Classes (A)

3:30pm Pick up time