Graduation Concert
Thursday April 25, 2019 | Concert The Sound of Music
In the past year, we worked, learned, explored and discovered together at Strawberry School. As our little strawberries get ready for the next stage of their learning journey, we are hosting a graduation concert to celebrate their achievements.
Style Reference | The Sound of Music
Location: Strawberry School Outdoor Theater (aka backyard)
Time: Thursday April 25, 2019, 4pm PT
Theme: The Sound of Music
Photo time! Family Portrait + Individual
Snack, talk & play!
Attire | Outfit (or something similar) shown in the Style Reference is encouraged!!
Photo | A professional photographer (Coach Tom) will be at the event capturing the highlights. Be ready for photos! =)
Food | Food and beverage will be provided. But please feel free to bring and share your own specialties with us!