Terms of Use



Educator - an individual person who is an employee or independent contractor working for a Qualified Educational Institution.

Student - means an individual person enrolled as a student at a Qualified Educational Institution.

FERPA - Institution that gives the information on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 

Affective Development - the area of child’s growth that is about personality, emotions, making and changing friends, social skills and the child’s perception of his/her self.

Development - Physical growth and other changes that occur from conception, and across the life span. It's thought by theorist that we develop as the result of natural maturation or by learning in the environment or as a result of both appropriate or suitable for the child. 

Pedagogy - It is all that is involved in teaching and in learning. Therefore it's about more than just teaching the teacher does. The term includes the processes through which the child's learning is facilitated and the adults assumption about the nature of the child's learning. 

Special educational teacher - A teacher who provides learning opportunities and programmes for children who have vision, hearing, behavioral difficulties, physical and/or intellectual disabillities, or special learning needs of any kind.